OCR Invoice Scanning Software for Netsuite
OCR Invoice Scanning Software for Netsuite https://echovera.ca/wp-content/themes/corpus/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 Tim Robertson Tim Robertson https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/6847ba38495b3996e0bdf3a15c015e0c?s=96&d=mm&r=g
OCR invoice scanning software for NetSuite captures supplier invoices in both paper and email formats
There are key differences between OCR invoice scanning technologies. The difference can mean having a solution that handles all formats (with a substantial increase in productivity) where intelligent software intuitively maps out the fields to be scanned, and then inputs the data to Netsuite – or investing in OCR technology that is limited in the formats it handles, has NetSuite integration issues or is user-unfriendly.
The most cost-efficient platforms offer a subscription where pricing is based on the number of invoices processed (as opposed to the number of users).
Look for a solution that gives you the most flexibility no matter what the format, as well as the option to have an approval workflow, PO matching, and other functionality.
Legacy OCR
Historically invoice data capture is performed in two ways: manually keying in data from paper invoices; or the invoices are scanned with OCR software and then manually mapped in order to capture essential information from relevant fields in the document. Here are some of the issues with simple OCR:
- Time is spent on field-mapping: a staff member gives the OCR software instructions as to where data is located on an invoice
- Time is also spent on data collection: a staff member manually selects the data zones
- Integration and the lack of a workflow
Intelligent OCR
Intelligent OCR changes the playing field dramatically. It intuitively performs field mapping and data collection, freeing up time and making the entire process more efficient:
- Automatically learns supplier invoices based on their respective layouts, intuitively mapping field data.
- Allows the user to search typical values in any document, and tagging it using a built-in database.
- 95% accuracy rates for paper invoices
- 100% accuracy rates for electronic file formats that received in email, such as PDF, XML, CSV, HTML, Word, Excel and more.
Once the data is captured by Intelligent OCR the option is to have it sent directly to NetSuite or through an AP automation platform.
For more information on OCR invoice scanning visit Intelligent OCR, here.
With every capture solution you’ll need an automated approval workflow. Watch the video “How AP Automation for NetSuite Works”
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- AP Automation